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Copyright protection and terms of use

Copyright protection – protection of intellectual property

The contents published on www.opstinavlasenica.org are the product of the Municipal Administration of Vlasenica Municipality, and their purpose is to provide direct access to information on programs and services of the Municipal Administration, as well as to the contents and services of other institutions of importance in the life of the Municipality of Vlasenica. The issue of protecting the content on this Internet presentation is covered by the Law on Copyright and Related Rights in BiH. Additional information is provided on the identity of the source of any information (text, computer generated graphics, static image, audio or video material) with the aim of prohibiting the reproduction of material without a written permission.

Non-commercial reproduction

The information on this Internet presentation was published with the intention of being readily available for personal and non-commercial use and may be used, in part or in whole, through any means, free of charge or additional approval by the Municipal Administration (for personal and non-commercial use only ). Please, only for the following:
– keep the accuracy of the data while playing and
– to identify the Municipal Administration of the Municipality of Vlasenica as a data source.

IMPORTANT ANNOTATION: The reproduction you make does not represent the official version of the reproduced material, nor was it made with the inclination or intent of the Municipal Administration of Vlasenica.

Commercial reproduction

Reproduction of multiple copies of the contents of this presentation – in whole or in part thereof – with the purpose of commercial redistribution is prohibited, except with the explicit written approval of the Municipal Administration of the Municipality of Vlasenica. Through the licensing process, the Municipal Administration will allow interested individuals / organizations access to accurate and up-to-date versions of information, with the aim of their commercial redistribution. For all contacts related to the issuance of a license to reproduce the material from www.opstinavlasenica.org, please contact: info@opstinavlasenica.org

Content owned by third parties

Some of the content (text, computer generated graphics, static images, audio or video material) at www.opstinavlasenica.org are subject to copyright protection, kept by individuals/organizations outside the Municipal Administration. This is especially reflected in the content that has been jointly updated by the Municipal Administration and some of the external organizations as part of the joint engagement in publishing information / content for citizens.

In such cases, certain restrictions may occur on the reproduction of these content or graphics, and it may be necessary to seek the permission to publish from the copyright holder of the material in question.

Terms of use

All content at www.opstinavlasenica.org published by the municipal administration of Vlasenica Municipality or by you, through interactive services (info (on) line, discussion forums, small ads, frequent questions, recommendations, comments …), will be moderated by the competent person(s) in the Municipal Administration, with the aim of filtering the information that relates to this presentation. Filtering is done with the intention to provide you with an access to exclusively appropriate content.

In order for the content to be correct, you are obliged not to do the following when publishing the information:
– publish, email, transmit, or otherwise make available any content that is illegal, harmful, provocative, attacking, disturbing, prone to torture, vulgar, obscene to anyone’s privacy, full of hatred, racial, ethnic or otherwise directed against an individual or organization;
– insult minorities in any way; – insult any person or entity, including employees of the Municipal Administration …;
– publish, email, transfer or otherwise make any publicly available content for which you have no right to make it available under any of legal or contractual obligation, to which you may be bound (such as internal documents, questions of ownership and issues of business secrets that are now or were available during your employment);
– publish, email, transmit or otherwise make any publicly available content subject to copyright protection over a patent, trademarks, or any of its parts;
– publish, email, transfer or otherwise make available unauthorized advertising material, promotional material, send an attacking advertising e-mail, letters of the „luck chain“ type, but on those pages of the presentation which are specifically intended for such use;
– install on the server, send by e-mail, transfer or otherwise make available materials containing software viruses or any other computer code, data or programs designed to stop, destroy or limit the functionality of any software at www.opstinavlasenica.org, or telecommunication equipment;
– intentionally or unintentionally violate any applicable local, entity or law at the level of BiH, in connection with this presentation…