Home » Department for Spatial Planning and Housing and Communal Affairs

Department for Spatial Planning and Housing and Communal Affairs

Head of the department: Željko Damljanović
Telephone: 056/490- 088
Fax: 056/734-830
E-mail: urbanizam@opstinavlasenica.org

Department for Spatial Planning and Housing and Communal Affairs executes local government affairs related to the preparation, construction and adoption of spatial, urban and provisional plans, the preparation of the development of location conditions, the determination of the fee for landscaping and one-off rent, and takes care of its arrangement and protection, environmental conditions in the process of issuing location conditions, implementation of the administrative procedure for issuing the decision on the approval for construction, environmental permits, approvals for the use of the facility, arrangement and security of rational use of construction land implementation laws, other regulations and general acts of the Republic whose execution is entrusted to the Municipality, and relates to the scope of work of the department.

Одлука о уређењу простора и грађевинском земљишту

Регистар издатих грађевинских дозвола у 2016. ( Register of the issued building permits )

Регистар издатих употребних дозвола у 2016. ( Register of the issued usage permits )