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Industrial and business zones

 1 Business zone „Bregovi“ – greenfield

The total area of the zone is 2,6ha and it is planned for „greenfield“ investments. Direct exit to the trunk road is provided and it is equipped with public infrastructure.

The business zone is planned for small-sized enterprises and production activities.

2 Business zone within complex of „Novi Elastik – DIV – Birač“ – brownfield

The total area of the zone covers 8,63ha. There is possibility of investing into construction of new business facilities or investing into existing factories which are mainly state-owned. The zone is directly connected to the trunk road and it is equiped by public infrastructure. Forest enterprise „Birač“ that deals with silviculture, forest protection and utilization. „Novi Elastik“ that produces trimmings and „DIV“ factory for furniture and parquet production are located witihn this zone. 

3 Business zone „Drinski korpusс“  brownfield

The total areaof the zone is 0,84ha and there is possibility for construction of new business facilities. The zone is directly connected to the trunk road and it is equiped ba public infrastructure. Joint-stock company „NESTRO-PETROL“ is in tihs zone. The zone is convinient for business and catering activities keeping in mind the fact that is located next to the trunk road. 

For all business zones, a spatial and urban plan has been developed.

All information can be obtained by phone: +387 56 490 088 or info@opstinavlasenica.org

Industrial zone „Kula – Zeban“ – greenfield

  • – The municipality of Vlasenica provided 37,13 ha for greenfield investments within industrial zone „Kula – Zeban“ which is located 300m on the north of urbam area of Vlasenica.
    – It is connected with 300m long local road to trunk roads M-19 (Sarajevo  – Belgrade) and M-19.2 (Vlasenica – Tuzla – Banja Luka) on the west.
    – Regulatory Plan has been made for industrial zone „Kula – Zeban“ and it covers development of production industry of small-sized enterprises.
    – The land is divided into small and medium sized parcells (from 2.000m2 to 10.000m2) to open possibility of modul and step-by-step construction.
    – Municipality of Vlasenica has tehnical documentation for building up public infrastructure (public roads, water and sewerage systems, electricity network).